Prof. Sylvia Ojoo
Board Member
Professor Ojoo, is an Associate Professor at Georgetown University Centre for Global Health Practice and Impact. she was an Assistant Professor of Medicine with the Clinical Infectious Diseases Division of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA. Over the past 12 years Professor Ojoo has led the development, implementation and ensured the technical quality of large-scale HIV care and treatment programs across all levels of health institutions in Kenya, serving over 100,000 patients on antiretroviral treatment.
These programs have demonstrated the institutionalization of quality improvement practices as a key driver of services standards and patient outcomes. In addition, she was responsible for leading the Ministry of Health in developing an innovative competency-based curriculum that has been adopted for HIV in-service training in Kenya and is set to cut the cost of training significantly, while ensuring health worker capacity to provision of services is maintained. Professor Ojoo mentors and provides leadership for a technical team of highly accomplished health professionals that have demonstrated clinical care delivery systems improvement capacity, and the ability to equip other healthcare workers with skills and competences required for HIV and tuberculosis services development. Additionally, she has served as a technical resource for HIV practice guidelines development for the World Health Organization from 2004 to 2014, and for Kenya where she continues to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Health.
Favorite Quote: In God we Trust, all others bring data- William Edwards Deming