Our Digital Hub

Our Innovations

Health Strat applies a unique model of strengthening health systems through evidence-informed programmingcontinuous quality improvementskills transfer for sustainability and innovative solutions for service delivery. Evidence-informed programming is achieved through the deployment of innovative tools to identify systemic gaps and design context specific solutions that are adaptable, scalable and sustainable.


QualiPharm, an innovative solution for commodity management, integrates digitized commodity data reporting and requesting through District Health Information System 2 (DHIS-2) and ordering through Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA) Logistics Management Information Systems (LMIS), providing real-time last mile commodity data visibility, ensuring quality data for forecasting and quantification towards commodity security and has been endorsed by the Ministry of Health.



An innovative mobile based application, that assesses the status of health systems to provide insight into bottlenecks that prevent effective and efficient service delivery.


An app for coordinating sample transportation between the health facility and referral laboratory. This provides an “Uber-like” solution for sample collection, transportation, tracking and results delivery which has been integrated into existing laboratory information systems, thereby reducing sample losses, turn-around time and networking costs.

e-D/SQA Tool

A mobile based data quality assessment (DQA) and service quality assessment (SQA) tool that allows for near real-time data and service quality assurance in health care delivery.


This app is currently in use by the 12 DREAMS service delivery partners at point of service across the 7 DREAMS counties. The partners use this app to collect Vulnerability screening data, enrollment data, and services provided to the AGYWs within the DREAMS program. The app is designed to collect more than the three forms. More forms will be added as need arises from the stakeholders

National HIV Dashboard

The National HIV Dashboard provides key insights to support program performance monitoring at various levels. The Dashboard consolidates data from different sources (Kenya HIV Estimates, KHIS, NDW, EID/VL and KNBS). The Dashboard allows for monthly auto update of data in line-with the national reporting timelines, and has an enhancement capability to monitor priority interventions.


The app is currently available for use by DREAMS USG partners, the app helps the users to conduct internal routine data quality assessments for DREAMS program, ensuring availability of quality data at partner level and the DREAMS database. The app has four sections.

o Systems Assessment

o Data Completeness Check

o Service Quality Assurance

o Patient File Cross Check