Smiles For Mothers
Smiles For Mothers, Supply Chain Capacity Building
In this project, Health Strat is mandated to strengthen and create efficiencies for sustainable supply chain and commodity management for uterotonics, at all levels of the existing supply chain, from national systems to last-mile distribution through capacity building and use of our digital solution – QualiPharm for commodity management, tracking, reporting and using data for decision making; forecasting and quantification for the prevention of post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) in 40 health facilities across 10 counties. Health Strat is also involved in policy change which will see introduction of Carbetocin, a heat stable drug for management of post-partum hemorrhage. This process involves advocacy at the national level with multiple stakeholders such as the drug regulatory authority and the Ministry of Health’s Health Products and Technologies Division. This project is being implemented in collaboration with Jhpiego, McKinsey and the Ministry of Health.
Start Date: 2020
Period: 2 years
Review and strengthening of the county supply chain systems for RMNCAH and introduction of new RH commodities (Heat Stable Cabetocin)
– Strengthening uterotonics commodity data capture and reporting through deployment of QualiPharm in 40 facilities across 10 counties.
– Strengthening commodity security in the counties through establishment or re-invigoration of Commodity Security -TWGs meetings as well as providing technical support in Forecasting & Quantification at county level.
-Advocacy for inclusion of Heat Stable Carbetocin use for levels 2 and 3 facilities.
– Capacity building of health care workers on commodity management and pharmacovigilance.