Monitoring and Evaluation and Strategic Information Systems (MESIS)


Monitoring and Evaluation and Strategic Information Systems (MESIS) Project

Health Strat has supported optimization of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and activities across the HIV/TB prevention care and treatment program areas at both national and sub-national levels. The Project has supported the annual HIV target development and HIV estimates process, supported revision of the national HIV program data capture and reporting tools, provided targeted technical assistance to select counties on data quality improvement, developed and rolled out a HIV e-DQA tool that has been utilized to conduct annual national HIV DQAs since 2021. The Project also supports capacity building of health care workers (HCWs) in the HIV program on M&E by maintaining the National AIDS and STIs Control Program (NASCOP) HIV M&E e-learning platform and providing learner support to ensure completion of e-learning modules. The Project has also developed a National HIV Dashboard to promote HIV program data visibility and use for decision making at both national and sub-national levels. Additionally, the Project maintains and supports the Platform for Partner Performance Monitoring (3PM) and DREAMS database on behalf of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and PEPFAR agencies in Kenya respectively. 


Start Date: 2020

Period: 5 years





To provide high quality, targeted support to strengthen national and sub national capacity for development and execution of high-impact HIV/TB information systems in Kenya.


  •  HIV e-DQA tool developed and used for 2021, 2022  and 2023 national DQA processes.
  • National HIV Dashboard developed.
  • 5,647 health care workers have undertaken courses on the NASCOP HIV e-learning platform since 2020.
  • National HIV program estimates completed and validated by counties and NASCOP.
  • Desk data quality audits conducted with mentorship to prioritized counties.
  • Developed 2023 PMTCT RRI data collection and monitoring tools and dashboard.
  • Maintained 99.7% availability of the 3PM Platform.
  • 3PM enhancements completed and deployed.