Dr. Stanley Njoroge

Supply Chain Advisor

Dr. Stanley Njoroge Ng’ang’a is a Technical Assistance-Team lead with an ability to organize people and systems in order to achieve set objectives. He has vast experiences in Pharmaceutical and Health Supply Chain management and training. Over the last 12 years, he has successfully managed four large PEPFAR funded programs where he ensured uninterrupted commodity supply, trained and mentored healthcare workers on pharmaceutical care and management of commodities.

Dr. Njoroge holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Nairobi with several Post Graduate professional education and training in Managing Drug Supply in Developing Countries, Supply Chain Capacity Development, Pharmacovigilance, Adult and Paediatric ART training, Innovative Training Methodologies and the Establishment and Operationalization of Medicines and Therapeutic Committees. He is a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya and is registered with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board. He brings to Health Strat a depth of experience in problem solving in respect to health systems barriers, capacity building, program development and continuous quality improvement. Here, he continues to work collaboratively with the county and national health systems to strengthen commodity management and security through establishment of the County Commodity Security Committee and the County Medicine and Therapeutics Committee. He supported piloting of the integrated supply chain management model in Kakamega and Kisumu Counties in line with PEPFAR journey to self-reliance. Prior to joining Health Strat, Dr. Njoroge worked with the University of Maryland Global Initiative, Catholic Relief Services, Ministry of Health and Interlab Pharmacies. He has contributed in the following publications: Improving Commodity management at level two and three health facilities in urban setting. Njoroge S1, Namazi J1, Nyabiage L1, Odhiambo F1, Ojoo S1, Maina E2, Amoroso A1 University of Maryland School of medicine, Institute of Human virology Ministry of Health. The use of EMR supply chain module to improve supply chain management David Masese1, Richard Ngethe1, Stanley Njoroge3, Lucy Nganga1, Lanette Burrows2, Bobby Jefferson2 1Futures Group, Kenya, 2Futures Group, USA, 3Maryland Global Initiative Corporation Kenya.